About the Goldendoodle breed

Goldendoodles are a cross between the two top five smartest dog breeds in the world - a golden retriever and a poodle. This cross breed is the ideal family dog, combining the clever and calm poodle with the playful, loyal and loving nature of the golden retriever. They are also very low to non-shed, making them more suitable for people with allergies. Often described as “people in fur coats”, Goldendoodles are full of charisma and thrive on human companionship. They are affectionate, playful, fun-loving, and intelligent dogs. Because they are so smart, they are easier to train then most breeds. They follow commands quickly and want to please their owners, often graduating at the top of obedience classes.

Whether this is your first dog, or you simply want an easygoing, playful family dog, a Goldendoodle will be an IDEAL choice.

We favor standard English Goldendoodles in our program as we have experienced that English Goldendoodles are stockier, more laid-back and calm. Our original female, Bonnie, is a registered AKC English Cream Golden Retriever. She is so beautiful and has passed on her English retriever characteristics of a stocky build, square face, beautiful cream color and black nose to all her babies. Zuzu, our F1 Goldendoodle, is her daughter and our beloved female.

Goldendoodle Generations

F1 = Golden Retriever x Poodle

F1b = F1 Goldendoodle x Poodle

F1bb = F1b Goldendoodle x Poodle

Multigen = Any Goldendoodle consisting of F3 or higher dogs. F1b to F1b or F1 is multi-generational.

Goldendoodle Care and grooming

When it comes to any type of doodle, daily grooming is a MUST. You must be prepared for the care and upkeep of a doodle coat before committing to a doodle. Our wavy coated Goldendoodles are much easier to maintain than curly coated doodles. But regardless, you will need to be prepared to brush daily or at very minimum, 3 times per week. And to bathe weekly or every other week depending on environment. This is the true reality of owning a Goldendoodle and necessary for the health and well-being of your new family member.

Thankfully, there are products like The Good Pup to help make your grooming sessions easier and enjoyable!

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